San Antonio Property Division Lawyers

Property division can be one of the most contentious and emotional aspects of a divorce. A common concern for both men and women is that they will be treated unfairly by a court and lose what is rightfully theirs when assets are divided. Whether they have spent decades establishing a professional practice or business or they have sacrificed their careers to raise their children, the sentiment is often the same: I need to protect what I have worked hard for.

If you are experiencing or anticipating a divorce, the San Antonio property division attorneys of Shelton & Valadez can help you protect your interests with regard to assets and debts.

Bexar County Attorneys For Asset Division In Divorce

At Shelton & Valadez, our lawyers are experienced with the division of assets and debts in divorce. We can assist you in addressing important issues like:

  • The division of real property, including your home, vacation property, investment property and commercial property
  • Property agreements
  • The valuation of your business, your spouse's business or a family business
  • The division of retirement accounts
  • Spousal support (spousal maintenance) and child support
  • The distinction between community property and separate property and the division of the marital estate during the divorce process
  • The use of mediation and other alternative dispute resolution methods, which tend to be less damaging and less expensive than divorce litigation

Our firm provides personalized representation in all types of divorce matters. As your attorneys, we will take the time to evaluate your situation carefully and develop a strategy to help you achieve the best possible outcome to your case.

Contact The Firm

Contact us for a free consultation regarding property division and other family law concerns. Our firm can help you understand your rights and options regarding real estate, business holdings, investments and other assets in divorce.